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Personal Injury Specialist

Good Neighbor Clinic

Family Practice and Urgent Care located in Los Angeles, CA

Millions of people suffer personal injuries every year, whether from a car accident, a slip and fall accident, or even a dog bite. Doctors at the Good Neighbor Clinic specialize in diagnosing and treating personal injuries, including completing all the required paperwork in a timely manner. No matter what caused your personal injury, the team is ready to ease your symptoms and help you heal with high-quality care. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Los Angeles, California, and request an appointment, or use the online booking feature today.

Personal Injury Q&A

What is personal injury?

Personal injury is a legal term referring to injuries you sustain that are the fault of another person. If they make a mistake (such as failing to stop their car) or are negligent (they didn’t clear an icy sidewalk or left water standing on the floor), they’re financially responsible for your injury. You do not pay anything if that is the case since we work with your attorney on a lien basis.

When you suffer a personal injury, you may be entitled to certain rights under the law, such as having the responsible party pay for your medical treatment, but there is only a limited amount of time in which you can get reimbursed.

What are common types of personal injuries?

The most common causes of personal injuries are automobile accidents and slip-and-fall injuries. You may also sustain injuries due to many other types of accidents, such as commercial truck accidents, workplace accidents, being struck by a falling object, and dog bites.

The top physical injuries include:

  • Whiplash
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Shoulder injuries and dislocations
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Repetitive use injuries (carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Leg injuries (crush accidents and fractures)
  • Eye injuries (foreign body or chemicals in your eye)
  • Arm injuries (sprains, strains, and fractures due to falls)
  • Lacerations, puncture wounds, and burns

Psychological conditions can also qualify as a personal injury, whether or not you suffered a physical injury. For example, you may develop post-traumatic stress disorder or major depressive disorder due to a personal injury.


Why do I need a medical exam after a personal injury?

The most important reason to get a prompt medical checkup is so that you can start treatment as soon as possible and get relief from your pain or other symptoms.

However, you also need an immediate exam to establish that your injury was the direct result of the accident and to create a record of the circumstances. You need this documentation if you decide to file an insurance claim or lawsuit.

What happens when I see a doctor for personal injuries?

At Good Neighbor Clinic, the exceptional physicians provide independent medical evaluations for personal injuries. They diagnose and treat your injury, determine your impairment rating, and evaluate the need for rehabilitation.

They also complete all the paperwork required by insurance companies and lawyers, making sure to submit it within the stated time frame.

If you suffer a personal injury, call the Good Neighbor Clinic and request an exam. You can also use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment.
